Guest Post Search Operators will save you time if you are looking for guest post opportunities. See How!
In this article you will learn how to use guest post search operators, so you can save yourself a lot of time when searching for blogs to write for as a guest. In this guide, we’ll explain how to use search operators to quickly locate quality bloggers that are open to accepting external content.
Use Boolean Operators to Find Relevant Blogs.
Boolean operators are search terms used to combine or exclude words from a query. By using “AND” and “OR” in your searches, you can easily source blogs that are relevant to what you’re looking for. For example, if you want to write about digital marketing, you can use the following search term: “digital marketing AND guest post”. This will bring up results that contain both terms, greatly increasing the relevance of your search results.
Guest Post Search Operators: Use Quotation Marks to Find Focus Sites.
Using quotation marks to target a specific blog or website for guest post requests is a great way to ensure that you’re contacting the right people. By using quotation marks, you can make sure that the search engine returns results with an exact match of your desired phrase. For example, if you want to target Buzzfeed specifically, you could use the search term “”buzzfeed” guest post” and this will give results that contain both terms but with Buzzfeed being the focus of the search.
Add the ‘Guest post’ Keyword to Your Search String.
Adding the “guest post” keyword to your search string is an effective way of narrowing down potential websites for guest posting. The key is to use quotation marks around the phrase “guest post”. This will ensure that results are only returned which contain both that phrase, as well as your other target keywords. For example, to target medical bloggers specifically, you could use the search term “”medical” ”guest post” and this will give you results exclusive to medical blogging websites that accept guest posts.
Use the ‘inurl’ and ‘intitle’ Operators To Narrow Results Down Further.
Once you’ve found some potential blogs using the “guest post” operator, you can use two other guest post search operators to further narrow down your results. The ‘inurl’ operator will return websites that contain the keyword in their URL, while the ‘intitle’ operator will return websites which have the keyword in their page title. As such, both of these operators can be incredibly useful when searching for guest posting opportunities. For example, if you wanted to target medical writing specifically you could use the search string “intitle:medical intitle:writing inurl:blog ”guest post” and this should give you excellent results for medical writing blog sites that accept guest posts.
Tweak Your Technique Based on What You’re Looking For.
If you’re looking for more specific opportunities, you can use a mix of operators to narrow down your search even further. For example, if you want to target digital marketing bloggers specifically, you can use the ‘intitle’ and ‘inurl’ operators together with the phrase “guest post” and add in some other related keywords – such as “seo” or “blogging tips and tricks” – to refine your results and find the most suitable guest posting targets.
Operator to Find Opportunities on a Specific Domain. The ‘site:’ operator allows you to search for specific keywords or phrases within a specific domain. This can be useful if you have a list of websites that you know accept guest posts and you want to search for opportunities within them. For example, if you wanted to find guest post opportunities on the website ‘example.com’, you could use the search term ‘site:example.com guest post’. This will bring up any pages on the domain that contain the phrase ‘guest post’.
Include Negative Keywords to Exclude Irrelevant Results.
Sometimes, your search results may contain websites that are not relevant to what you are looking for. To exclude these results, you can use negative keywords. For example, if you want to find guest post opportunities for digital marketing but want to exclude any results that contain ‘jobs’ or ‘careers’, you could use the search term ‘digital marketing AND guest post -jobs -careers’. This will bring up results that contain ‘digital marketing’ and ‘guest post’ but exclude any results that contain ‘jobs’ or ‘careers’.
Utilize the ‘related:’ Operator to Find Similar Websites.
The ‘related:’ operator allows you to find websites that are related to a specific website. This can be useful if you want to find guest post opportunities on similar websites to one that you are already familiar with. For example, if you wanted to find similar websites to ‘example.com’ that accept guest posts, you could use the search term ‘related:example.com guest post’. This will bring up a list of websites that are related to ‘example.com’ and contain the phrase ‘guest post’.
En conclusion :
using guest post search operators can save you a lot of time and effort when searching for guest post opportunities. By using Boolean operators, quotation marks, the ‘guest post’ keyword, the ‘inurl’ and ‘intitle’ operators, and other techniques, you can quickly locate quality bloggers that are open to accepting external content. Remember to tweak your technique based on what you’re looking for and to not be afraid to experiment with different search terms to find the most suitable opportunities.